Homelessness has NO single face
When we discuss the problem of homelessness, there are many facets that can be talked about or debated. There are many reasons for homelessness. Loss of job, family breakup, bankruptcy, substance abuse issues, domestic violence, mental and physical health issues and simply falling on hard times for a variety of reasons.
Homeless people have multiple things to deal with. Where do I get my next meal? Where am I going to sleep tonight? Where can I obtain clothes to keep me warm? The list of issues goes on and on. Homelessness seems to be a growing and expanding issue all across the United States. There is no one single face or poster-child for this epidemic. It strikes all races, all genders and all ages. One of the most heart-breaking issues is watching a child having to grow up in a homeless environment.
While there are many causes, there are as many if not more things we can do to help.